Bell, Book, and Sandals Read online

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  “And that’s my whole pathetic life story,” I blubbered into my coffee. I had just filled her in on every sad detail. Talk about making a first impression.

  Van watched me with sympathetic eyes. How she could find empathy for a hot mess like me I will never know. “So that’s the only reason you came to California?” she asked me finally.

  “Being an actress was the only thing I could think of to do. I really thought I had a shot,” I told her, the words sounding hollow as soon as they left my lips. “I guess Stephen was right to dump me. I’ll never be anything more than a pretty face with a trust fund.”

  “Hey, don’t say that,” she said, placing a hand on my arm. “I’m sure there’s a whole life out there right now waiting for you, one you haven’t even thought of yet.”

  I dragged my gaze from the coffee to her face. She couldn’t really believe that, could she? I was sitting right there in front of her, and I knew she wasn’t blind. She had to see what a lost cause I was.

  Yet, I could feel it as I searched her face. The feeling growing stronger every second I looked at her. She did believe it. She thought without a doubt my true life was just beginning. I took a deep breath. I didn’t know which one of us was crazier. Her for thinking that, or me for knowing she was. Maybe my instincts were only agreeing with her. Maybe it was all meant to happen like this.

  “Okay,” I told her, picking up my paper coffee cup. “If you’re so sure of this, then what do I do now, oh enlightened one?”

  She laughed; the sound like wind chimes in the spring. “That should be obvious. You should stay here. Make a new life for yourself.” She paused, looking thoughtful for a moment. “In fact, I’ve been looking for a new roommate. I think you’d be perfect,” she told me matter-of-factly.

  I looked at her in shock. Had she just asked me to move in with her? “You want me to live with you? How do you know I’m not some psycho?”

  Van laughed again. “You may be different, Maxie Duncan, but you’re certainly no psycho. I happen to be very good at reading people and…I always trust what I see.”

  I smiled. I happened to trust my instincts, too, and right now, those funny feelings were telling me I had just found my new best friend. “Okay. Count me in.”

  She stood up, beaming like a schoolgirl who had just been asked to the prom. “Great. You’re going to love our apartment,” she said, pulling me through the door.

  My future looked brighter already.