Bell, Book, and Sandals Read online

Page 12

  Wednesday night had me at home, getting ready for bed. I couldn’t believe how bad I was messing everything up. I finally found where fate wanted me to be and what did I do? Screw up every opportunity that came my way, that’s what. What was wrong with me? Was I even capable of doing anything on my own? So far, it didn’t look that way.

  I sighed, pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail. Maybe I should just go home. I wanted to prove that I belonged here, but the more I tried, the more it seemed I should just go back to what I was used to. At least I knew my place there, even if I didn’t like it.

  I dug around in my dresser until I found my black fluffy pajama pants and a pink tank top. Maybe not the most glamorous of P.J.’s, but they were so comfortable and quickly becoming my favorite. I was beginning to realize that most of life isn’t supposed to be about glamor. Ha, tell that to the people back at home and they’d die laughing. But it was true. Sometimes it was about being comfortable. Like tonight.

  I wondered if Van was up for a movie night. We could watch chick flicks until we crashed. It sounded like a perfect plan to me. It was exactly what I needed.

  A soft knock sounded on my door before it opened, Van poking her head in.

  Speak of the devil. “Hey,” I said, trying to lessen the worry I knew had to be etched in my face.

  “Hey, gloomy Gus,” she said, taking me in. “What are you doing hiding in here?”

  I guess it hadn’t worked. I sighed, sitting down on the side of my bed. “I’m not hiding.”

  “Yes, you are,” she said, seeing right through me. “You’re upset about the jobs you lost. Which I think is ridiculous. Neither one was you, Maxie.”

  “How was I supposed to know that until I tried them?”

  “My point exactly,” Van said smugly. “Come work for me.” Her smile grew wider as she watched me. “How do you know it won’t work until you try?” she asked, throwing my own words back at me.

  She had me there. I had to admit that, but it still felt like giving in if I took her job. It would be admitting I couldn’t do anything on my own.

  She could tell I was still fighting the idea. Coming farther into the room, she looked down at me, her eyes holding concern. “Maybe the reason you met me was to straighten out your life. Ever thought of that?” she asked softly.

  I looked up at her, puzzlement clearly showing on my face. No, I hadn’t even thought of that. Was it possible? Did I really need to take everything she offered? Boy, this destiny thing was sure confusing.

  Van was silent for a moment, letting that sink in. “So, Danny and I are going out tonight. Jensen is in the living room.”

  I frowned at my friend. “I don’t need a babysitter,” I informed her. It wasn’t like I was totally helpless.

  “No, he does,” she stated. A pleading look came into her eyes when she saw the frown wasn‘t leaving my face. “Please? For me? It’s the only way I can have Danny to myself tonight. They had plans, and well…”

  I tried to keep my resolve, I really did, but I felt my frown slipping. How could I say no to her? She had already given me so much. “But…I’m not presentable,” I protested weakly. “I’m in my pajamas.”

  She eyed what I was wearing and huffed. “I’ve seen women leave the house in worse things than that. What you’re wearing is fine.”

  “I don’t know,” I said, examining myself in the vanity mirror. I was used to greeting company in the proper attire.

  “You’re gorgeous in everything you wear, Max,” she said, heading to the door. “Come keep him company. You’ll thank me later.” And with that, she was gone.

  Thank her later? Was she out of her mind? How could Jensen and I spending the evening together be anything but a train wreck? I wasn’t ready to get into another relationship, especially not with someone like him. No way. It wasn’t happening. I didn’t care that my heart was fluttering just thinking about seeing him again. He wasn’t the guy for me.

  But…I couldn’t let Van down. I just couldn’t. So with a huge amount of trepidation, I pulled on a sweatshirt and went out to the living room.

  Buttery goodness invaded my nose as I approached. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I had a weakness for popcorn.

  “Hey,” his soft voice greeted me as he entered the other side of the living room, carrying a large plastic bowl. His eyes held mine as I approached.

  I no longer felt dizzy as I looked into his eyes, but my heart was doing the cha-cha. “Hi,” I said sheepishly as we both reached the couch. “I didn’t know you were coming. Sorry I look so bad.”

  He laughed, deep and rich, as he plopped down on the couch. “I think you look adorable. I like a girl who isn’t afraid to get comfortable.”

  I flushed slightly as I sat down next to him. “Thanks. I think.”

  “Trust me. It was a compliment,” he said, sitting the bowl on the coffee table in front of us. “As you can see, I popped popcorn. And I brought movies. I thought maybe you’d join me on a non-date date?”

  I raised my eyebrows. What was he up to? “A non-date date?”

  “Yeah,” he said with a shrug. “Van told me you just went through a really bad break-up. I’m here with no other intentions but having a good evening with a new friend.” He looked at me, a shy smile ghosting his lips. “So, what do you say?”

  I leaned forward, snatching up the popcorn bowl. “Sure, as long as there’s plenty of this stuff, I’m all yours.”

  “Great,” Jensen said, standing up. “I brought several movies I thought you might like. You’re into Romantic Comedies, right?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I told him around a mouthful of popcorn. I guess I was going to get my chick flick night after all. I leaned back, sinking into the plush couch as I watched him. Stephen and I had never done anything as ordinary as this. I realized that I could completely be myself with Jensen. No pretending. No being perfect all the time. Just two people really enjoying each other’s company.

  Maybe my instincts were right about this guy. Maybe I needed someone like this in my life. Well, I wasn’t going anywhere. This was my new life and I had all the time in the world to see where it might lead.

  He sat back down next to me, flashing me the most perfect smile as he grabbed a handful of the popcorn.

  My heart fluttered again as our eyes made contact. Oh, yeah. I might not be looking for a relationship right now, but a little company never hurt anyone, right?
