Bell, Book, and Sandals Read online

Page 13

  I stood behind the check-in desk surveying the area, and took a deep breath. I couldn’t believe it. Somehow I had managed to survive four hours of work. I hadn’t maimed anyone. I hadn’t even made anyone mad. Even more surprising, I really, really liked it here. Ugh, I knew there was a told-you-so coming from Van, and the sad thing was, I deserved it.

  “So…how’s it going?” a voice called cheerfully from my side.

  Uh oh, here it came. “Great,” I said, smiling sheepishly at Van. “It’s going great.”

  Van returned it with a wise smile. “I thought it might be,” she told me. “I’ve been getting nothing but compliments about you.”

  Yay! I was finally good at something. “Listen, Van, I’m sorry.”

  She held up a hand to stop me. “Doesn’t matter. I’m just happy you finally found your path.”

  I nodded gratefully. I guess she was bigger than an I-told-you-so. “This place is great. How did you ever end up working here?”

  She shrugged. “There’s always been an Evans running this place. I guess I was next in line.” She looked around the lobby, beaming proudly. “This place is something, isn’t it? It has a certain charm you can’t find any place else.”

  “Except for Enchantment Cove,” I said, immediately realizing it was true. Both buildings had that same quality to them. They both felt like home.

  Van glanced over at me, smiling slightly. “Did you know they were both built by the same people?”

  I shook my head, but wasn’t too surprised. As soon as she said it, I could see the similarities around me. “I guess they both do have the same soul.”

  “They were built at the time as a haven for lost souls,” she said, glancing over at me. “And I guess they still are.”

  I turned around, straightening the old fashion room keys hanging on the wall behind us. I didn’t want her to see the moisture in my eyes. I hadn’t even realized how lost I’d been. I don’t know what I would have done if Van hadn’t found me. I owed her so much for giving me a new beginning.

  “So…” she said, changing the subject. “You never said. How was your date last night with Jensen?”

  I turned around, frowning slightly. “It wasn’t a date,” I told her, the words coming out a little too forceful.

  “Sure, sure,” she said, leaning back against the counter. “How was your “undate” with Jensen last night?”

  I sighed. Where did I even start? “It was good. We watched movies. We talked. We ate junk food. It was a perfect evening.”

  “Is that all that happened?”

  I glanced away, feeling my cheeks grow warm. “Well…maybe there was a little bit of cuddling involved.”

  “I knew it,” Van cheered. “You like him.”

  “I’m not ready for a relationship, Van.”

  “Doesn’t matter if you’re ready or not, Max. If you’re meant to be with someone, it will happen,” she said with a giggle. “I can’t wait to tell Danny. That boy is head over heels about you.”


  “No, silly. Jensen. He’s been smitten ever since he laid eyes on you.”

  My heart galloped at that statement. Jensen felt it too? Had every cell in his body screamed my name the first time we locked eyes? Or was he just another mindless admirer from a long list of guys who only saw a beautiful face? I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know. I didn’t feel like having my feelings crushed again so soon.

  “Are you going to see him again?” Van asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “I kind of have to, Van. He’s your boyfriend’s best friend.”

  She frowned at my evasion tactics. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “I…” I couldn’t finish that sentence. Not with what I had just seen.

  Several guys were standing in the entranceway of the lobby. They were talking loudly and pointing to various things around them.

  “Van,” I squealed softly. “Look. Over there. Look.” I jabbed my finger at the group of men because my brain had gone fuzzy and words were failing me.

  She followed my gaze, an amused expression danced across her face. “Oh, yeah. Did I forget to mention that?”

  I looked at her, deep bewilderment pooling in my eyes. “You knew? And you didn’t tell me?”

  She took a calming breath and then looked at me like I was a five-year-old. “Maxie, you’re going to see a lot of celebrities while working here. It’s not that big of a deal. They’re just people.”

  “But…but…,” I sputtered, still trying to process what I was seeing. “That’s Ryan Everheart. The Ryan Everheart!”

  “I know,” Van said, hushing me. “You need to calm down.”

  I looked at her like she had grown another head. Was she crazy? It was Ryan Everheart. The hottest heartthrob ever to grace the screen. I had been in love with him since his movie debut, and trust me, he totally deserved it. I didn’t know anyone who didn’t swoon when he came on screen.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered, trying to catch my breath. “It’s Ryan Everheart.”

  “Yes,” she said, annoyed. “We’ve established that.” She tugged on my arm, turning me away from my Golden God. “You remember that movie you tried out for?”

  I nodded absently. Of course, I remember that movie. Why would she bring up that horrid memory at a time like this?

  “They’re filming some scenes here and Ryan’s the male lead.”

  My breath caught in my throat. He was playing Mitch? I could have acted with him? I could have kissed him? I felt woozy suddenly, like the world had decided to spin out of control.

  “Maxie, are you alright?”

  I steadied myself, my body shaking slightly. It didn’t matter. I was terrible before meeting him. There was no way I could have even functioned next to him. “Yeah, I’m okay,” I lied, trying to get myself under control.

  “Okay,” she said with a slight smile. “Here they come. Try not to embarrass me.” She turned to the counter, waiting like the professional she was.

  The four men sauntered over to us. I recognized the one next to Ryan. He was one of the panel at my failed audition. The nasty one. I turned away, busying myself. The last thing I wanted was for him to recognize me and say something in front of Ryan.

  “Welcome, Mr. Taylor. Mr. Everheart,” Van greeted them warmly. “I’m honored to have you here.”

  “Yes, thank you,” the mean guy said, his voice as harsh as the first time I heard it.

  I gasped softly as I straightened the paperwork in front of me. Mr. Taylor? No way. I had auditioned in front of Zand Taylor? He was only the best director in the whole world. And apparently, he thought I stunk.

  “I’ll be showing Ryan around today,” Zand told her. “I want to get his opinion on some shots. Can you see that we’re not disturbed?”

  Van hesitated for a second. “Mr. Taylor, this is a public hotel. I can’t keep people from coming in,” she told him honestly.

  “You better,” he said before walking away. The two other men, who I assumed were assistants, followed obediently behind him. He stopped when he realized Ryan hadn’t moved. “You coming, Everheart?”

  “Go ahead,” Ryan told him. “I’ll catch up.”

  A muscle twitched under Zand Taylor’s right eye before he turned and quickly disappeared down one of the hallways. I guess he was always like that. Here I thought it had just been a reaction to my performance.

  “Is there something else I can do for you, Mr. Everheart?” Van asked.

  “Please, call me Ryan,” he said, his voice as thick and smooth as honey. “And yes, I’d like to stay here this week, get to know every secret of this place.” He glanced around the lobby, seemingly as taken with the place as I had been. “Is one of your suites available?”

  Van was all business as her fingers clicked across the computer keyboard. “Yes, I do have one available.�
� How could she stay so calm at a time like this?

  “Great. I’d like it for at least a week. Will that work?”

  “No problem, it’s all yours,” she said, clicking away.

  I watched out of the corner of my eye as she entered his info. I couldn’t believe I was this close to Ryan Everheart. I could even smell his cologne. It was deep and musky, reminding me of the outdoors on a warm night. It was the perfect scent for him.

  Tall, blond, blue-eyed. Every inch the Golden God I had grown so infatuated with. If I could live in this very moment, breathing in his scent and gazing upon him for the rest of my life, I would die a happy woman.

  “Maxie. Earth to Maxie,” Van said, pulling me from my stupor. “Can you please get the key to room 519?”

  “Uh, sure,” I said, grabbing the key off the wall. I felt my face heat up as I turned to the counter.

  Ryan stood there, staring at me. His gaze washing over me as I froze on the spot. Great, my Hollywood crush must think I’m a complete moron. I just prayed to God there wasn’t any drool on my chin. That would definitely seal my moron fate.

  What was I doing? I had never frozen like that before. But I’d never come face to face with a God before, either. I forced myself to take a step closer, breathing in more of his scent. “Here you go,” I said, smiling my best smile. At least, I hoped it was my best smile. Considering the way I was acting, I could have looked more like an angry wolverine. I took a deep breath and placed the key in his hand.

  He took it, gently brushing his fingers against mine.

  My heart rate slowed at his touch. Calm washed over me, centering me. I felt my lips relax into a genuine smile. See, look. This was no big deal, right?

  “Thank you, Maxie,” he said softly, his lips turning my name into a work of art. He held my gaze as we stood there. It felt like he wanted to say something with those eyes, but I was too content to worry about the meaning. All the doubt and worry that had been rattling around in my head since Stephen had left me was silenced. Staring into his eyes, I was at peace.

  “Well,” he said, stepping away from the counter. “I better go catch up with Zand. He gets upset if he’s ignored too long.” He turned, then glanced back over his shoulder. “I’m sure I’ll see you two around,” he said with a smile before heading into one of the hallways.

  “What was that,” Van asked as soon as he left.

  “What do you mean?” I countered with my own question.

  “You know what I mean.”

  I looked at her, heat in my cheeks. “What? I barely said two words to the guy.”

  “I saw the look in your eyes, Max,” she told me, shaking her head. “He’s a movie star. He’s used to making women swoon. It’s what they do. That little look you two shared meant nothing to him.”

  I turned around, straightening more papers. “Of course, it didn’t, Van. I know that. It’s just…how often do you get a chance to say you flirted with Ryan Everheart?”

  She nodded reluctantly. “True,” she admitted before going back to work.

  I let out a deep sigh when she was gone. I wasn’t sure what happened between Ryan and me, but it definitely didn’t feel like just flirting.
